Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just One Word

This year I heard this great idea to choose just one word to describe what sums up the goals/ resolutions made for the new year. So with much persistence I began to encourage my family to look upward (to God), look outward, and look inward. I asked them to really pray about it. I am so proud of the results! The next step is to write the words in large letters where they can be seen every day as a reminder. I will be finding ways to be creative with this step! So, here are the words chosen by each member of the House of Hidalgo: 

Rick's word is covenant.(He says the covenant with God "a concentration and separation to God that is vital to his faith")
My word is peace. ( I chose peace because I worry a lot and I want to change that - peace fits every area of my life. )
Anthony chose the word experiment. (He means in regards to culinary experimentation - he is very interested in studying culinary arts and wants to taste everything!)
Joshua chose the word progress. (He wants to progress in every area of his life- he is excited about the growth process that will take place as he progresses.)
Samantha chose the word Forgive.(This is an awesome word for Samantha because she really values all her relationships with both friends and family and wants forgiveness to be a part of her life.)

David chose the word victory.( David is in basketball, and wants to experience victory in his game and he also wants victory in everything he does; he sees victory as success!)

Chenaniah chose the word responsibility.(It did not take her long to find her word, she is challenged everyday with more and more responsibility and she wants to get better at it at home, school, and play.)
Luis just could not pick JUST ONE WORD; and that is ok; after all he is five. He chose a phrase which means everything to him in every area of his life- if we want to see him straighten up and try, all we have to say is this little phrase: never give up!  He sees everything this way - we read him books and he figures out quickly what is evil and what is good. We add to this never give up learning and growing, Luis! 

So our family chose Just one word (for the most part) this year and I really hope we help each other stay accountable to  our word (s).

Whatever your goals and resolutions are, my prayer is that you remain steadfast to them  and really try! 

Let's make 2014 AWESOME!

I will post our visual aides to this project after we make them!