Do you confront it head on? Do you go for a walk? Sometimes talking it out makes it better, while, at other times, it seems that talking just digs a deeper hole. How are we are to even get to the point that we have peace in the midst of disappointment when the hole gets deeper and deeper talking? The way of obedience makes it worth the while. Rejoice! That is actually a commandment from God. Rejoice evermore for this is the will of God. God wants us to rejoice, My youngest son just learned this memory verse in his school lessons: "In everything give thanks". I Thessalonians 5;18
These two scriptures do not say rejoice only when things are good or give thanks only when you are happy. There is a reason God gives us the instruction to give thanks and to rejoice, I think it is because it is not in our natural human nature to do so. The first thing we naturally do when things are going wrong and we are feeling disappointed is complain about it. Did you know that every time you do something in the natural, it releases something in the spiritual? Imagine the angels and demons fighting in the spirit realm.. you are helping the angels every time you obey, it gives them ammunition by which to defeat the enemy. It is hard to imagine spiritual warfare, and we really do not clearly know how it happens, but the truth is there is a spiritual side to every word we speak. So if you want to be free from the bondage of disappointment? Then OBEY and rejoice! Sing! Find SOMETHING to be thankful for. When you do, then it releases heaven on your behalf. Imagine it. It is like a ten-ton brick is being lifted off of your shoulder. Who wants to go around carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders? NO ONE!
The burden of disappointment can be so overwhelming. Just Do it. Try it. Choose to say OUT LOUD what you are thankful for. It will feel weird at first because it is not the natural thing to do. But as you do it, you will have joy flowing up from the inside out. God takes over. You know it is God because really, you still feel sad about whatever it was that was bothering you, but miraculously, you are able to still be thankful and rejoice. This is how to cast your cares upon Him. He takes "the load of disappointment" as soon as you are willing to obey and do two simple things. Rejoice and be Thankful. Give it a try. It will help.
These two scriptures do not say rejoice only when things are good or give thanks only when you are happy. There is a reason God gives us the instruction to give thanks and to rejoice, I think it is because it is not in our natural human nature to do so. The first thing we naturally do when things are going wrong and we are feeling disappointed is complain about it. Did you know that every time you do something in the natural, it releases something in the spiritual? Imagine the angels and demons fighting in the spirit realm.. you are helping the angels every time you obey, it gives them ammunition by which to defeat the enemy. It is hard to imagine spiritual warfare, and we really do not clearly know how it happens, but the truth is there is a spiritual side to every word we speak. So if you want to be free from the bondage of disappointment? Then OBEY and rejoice! Sing! Find SOMETHING to be thankful for. When you do, then it releases heaven on your behalf. Imagine it. It is like a ten-ton brick is being lifted off of your shoulder. Who wants to go around carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders? NO ONE!
The burden of disappointment can be so overwhelming. Just Do it. Try it. Choose to say OUT LOUD what you are thankful for. It will feel weird at first because it is not the natural thing to do. But as you do it, you will have joy flowing up from the inside out. God takes over. You know it is God because really, you still feel sad about whatever it was that was bothering you, but miraculously, you are able to still be thankful and rejoice. This is how to cast your cares upon Him. He takes "the load of disappointment" as soon as you are willing to obey and do two simple things. Rejoice and be Thankful. Give it a try. It will help.
Ruth A. Hidalgo
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