Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall happenings

November 6th is quickly approaching, and although I have spent much time researching all things political, honestly, I did more of what you see below. (In between clients, working at the store, church, and education on the Republic of the United States of America) I am really just a kid at heart and would love to spend my days playing in leaves, dressing children in costumes, and going to musical events that my children are in. Yes. I did do all these things in the month of October, but I also did more "adult" activities than fun activities. I cannot close my eyes to the cares of this world, although I wish that I could.

Honestly, I spent a lot of time researching things like autism, Asperger's syndrome, and temperaments. This was all due to the struggles we are having with Luis. It totally baffles me how he can be so sweet and tender hearted one moment and the next be off and running, not listening to anything or anyone. It messes with my pride, makes me feel embarrassed. I have sent off questionnaires on all these topics ; still awaiting answers.

Another more adult topic is political. Many of you know that my husband is in a group called The Republic for the United States of America. It is not a political party. It is not anything to do with Washington, D.C. In a nutshell it is the government being re-inhabited. It has taken me months to process all of it, and this is not a political advertisement, I am only mentioning it because my husband works in the judicial branch of this, and for a while at the beginning of the month, he was gone a lot, leaving me to balance two jobs, parenting six children, and manage a house for long periods of time by myself. At first, I did not think it was going to work at all, but it ended up being a very good thing for the whole family... I saw our teens take on new responsibilities and do very well at it! I gained a new confidence in what they are capable of.

Samantha finished up her volleyball season, had her first piano recital, and obtained a new friend! All summer long I had prayed for a good christian friend for Samantha, not only is her friend a christian, her NAME is Christian! :-) Joshua- he has been an I.e.p. due to a learning disability he has until we homeschooled him last year. I gained a better understanding of his abilities when I was teaching him, so I insisted that he try going to school without an I.e.p. ... He studied hard. Early in the morning. Late at night. On weekends. He was the only one to bring home a few A's on his report card! ( I couldn't be prouder!!) The others had their reasons, but really, they knew there was no excuse. Everyone is studying better now!

This is not a report on how each one of our children is doing, but rather just a look into what I have been up to lately. At the beginning of the month, not only was I a single parent much of the time, I was also increasing my clientele with Home Care Health Services. Right now, it has gone down substantially because the state had new requirements and I lost a few clients. So I am praying to get a few more.

Another thing that has happened is Anthony was put into regular classes due to his lack of performance with his online course of study. I have mixed feelings about this. When we put him in the public school, he was not happy about it at all, but we knew he needed more accountability than we could offer him at home with me working more and Rick's unpredictable schedule . He was offered online public school. I thought it was the best of both worlds, he is a bit of a loner so he could have his space and get his education. But Anthony was not self disciplined enough for them.. I told the principal he needed accountability ,but in my opinion, he was set up to fail . He was given very little accountability and he did just what Anthony typically does when he thinks he can. Nothing. The principal said he was not planning to keep him in an online program of study, it was just a "transition" to the classroom. (This is not what he told me at all when he said yes Anthony could do online studies) So, Anthony is in class now, we will see how this goes. I know school and Anthony are not on synonymous terms; here is my prayer for Anthony: that God send him a godly mentor and that somehow, he will manage to graduate. Anthony has had a severe vitamin d3 deficiency too, by the way, and this makes staying motivated to do anything very difficult. So now I get concerned :are our good kids (Samantha, Joshua, David, and Chenaniah ) getting overlooked because of the extreme challenges of our first born and our sixth ? Is this why all the mediocrity? David and Chenaniah tested advanced by the way, but they had average grades, both teachers feel they could do better.

I go to a bible study every Tuesday with a bunch of little old ladies, whom I have grown to love, and it has really been what I need to stay grounded and be able to look at life from a different perspective. I enjoy gleaning from their years of wisdom and experience, and they enjoy hearing fresh stories from a mom who is in the trenches , praying, and "battling" for her family; they remind me that there really is not " the other side of the trench" but rather, the battles just change they are praying for their grandchildren, their children's marriages, and their health. It is very inspiring I know they are faithful servants of The Lord, and it inspires me to remain in the trenches and "never give up".

I hear that phrase a lot from Luis... It is the theme of the power rangers : "never give up!"
He always says... And right he is. So, I will " never give up" and I hope and pray that whatever you are facing, that you will "never give up" too! So as November 6th approaches, I do not close my eyes to the grave responsibility each of us has to our country, families, and friends, and I say to all of you (whatever your vote is) " never give up" and IN GOD WE TRUST!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Winds of change

This week my parents are here visiting us! While I am tickled pink to have them here, sometimes it is a sore reminder of the hard reality of the life I live. I do not live in the lap of luxury, rather, everyday is a sort of "camping experience". I said to my Mom, aren't you glad you taught me camping skills and resourcefulness as a child?" Oh I am sure she is not thrilled with the way in which I get to live my life, yet, I am so thankful for the training she gave me years ago, had it not been for this background, I would find it very difficult to be content/happy. I have lived this way for so long that it mhas become normal to me, and only when I see looks of pity or comments of concern do I realize how different my life is from the "normal" family.

The other day as the kids were in the hot air balloon, I had a revelation of the winds of change. My husband is often speaking of change, often I admit, I do not pay attention like I should. He is like an old testament prophet crying out to the people while I am more like the busy bee thinking about how we will get by today. BUT when the winds of change come, ALL will be affected. Some will be scared of the flame, (like our Chenaniah was) Some will be fearless and want to go higher (like our Luis was) and some will be trying to figure out how it all works ( like our David). Regardless, winds of change will come to all. What would I do with all this change? Will it affect my way of life for the better or worse? The truth is, it is my job to just trust the master and be ready. ( Hopefully for blessings)

I do not know if I am ready for the winds of change, but this I do know, my ears are open and my heart is steadfast, and fear snuffs out faith.(honestly, I am the fearful one most of the time) I will encourage you today to put on faith and cast out fear. Together we are an army able to help each other. Oh and on the lighter side, I am raising an army of missionaries and all the camping survival skills they will ever need, they learned in my " boot camp" :-) so don't worry Mom & Dad, this is just training ground! The winds of change just may take us to the promised land, but we will come armed with our "training" and our lord.

Like my husband wrote in a whimsical poem ( which I have kept all these years) :

"Holy holy is the Lord, He gave me a big 'ole sword!
I love you so very much,
Soon we will be the Brady bunch"

Ha ha now that was a wind of change I
Did not know if I could handle, yet here I am DOING that very thing. ;-)