Have you ever been so worried about everyone and everything that you lost sleep? Another translation says it this way: "Cease Striving and know I am God" Psalm 46:10 NASB. What exactly does "cease striving" mean? In some translations, it says "Be still and know I am God." Be still or Cease Striving, have one thing in common, they both require you to stop. STOP. Stop trying so hard to impress everyone. Stop trying to do good deeds to make everyone accept you. Stop being so concerned about pleasing others. God wants us to stop it. He wants us to know that he is the one who can take care of us. He can clean up the mess and make it a message! When reading Psalm 46, it clearly says God is the one who can put a stop to wars. He can put a stop to the war raging within your heart. But he also has this way of taking the truth that we are inundated with and shaking up our worlds. When we see our condition, as we really are and are broken by it, something amazing happens. God steps in. He begins to comfort us. He is near to the broken- hearted and to all who are crushed in spirit,

Think of it this way: The Potter and the clay: When the potter sees a flaw in the clay, he mashes it back down in to a ball and starts over, adding moisture, and his hands to the wheel to mold and shape that clay into the perfect pot. It is not the first time around that the pot is made perfect, it takes many trys. All that clay has to do is be on the potters wheel. It does not have to do anything but allow the potter to mold and shape it.
Lord, Let us be like a big lump of clay. ready to be transformed into your image. Let us stop trying to make ourselves look good. Let us trust that you are God and you have it all under control. You can move mountains, you can stop wars. Let us have the faith that you have this all under control. Your will is working even as we are hurting or worrying. You are near to us. Help us to cease striving and know you are God. You are God and you are in control. Let us let you mold us and shape us, let us be unashamed of the process it takes to be made into your image.
May you find peace letting go and letting God,
Ruth A. Hidalgo
(Thanks to my husband[above] who ministers to me when I am at my wits end!) Love HIM to the moon and back!
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